Henna is a small flowering shrub which is found all over the world. The variety of this plant varies from region to region, and each variety has different coloring properties, thus the color of henna powder also varies. Centuries ago, henna plant was very essential because of its medicinal and cosmetic properties. It also served as their hair conditioner. Now, henna leaves are dried and ground into a very fine powder, made into a paste for staining the skin and dying the hair.
The vividness of henna color depends on the quality of product that was manufactured. Most of henna products that were sold on the store were either stale, poorly processed, inferior quality, and poorly shifted. The best way to obtain good quality henna is through an authorized dealer, were you are guaranteed to have fresh body art quality henna. You just can't tell by simply looking at the product to know what the stain would be like. Henna leaves a stain on the skin with colors ranges between orange, brownish, deep reddish, or similar and lasts between 5 days and 4 weeks depending on circumstances. Once you have found a good quality henna that you'd like, buy plenty of it and store in an airtight container and place it inside the freezer, it will last for a good number of years. Henna available today is of high quality because it was process though an improve technology that enhanced dye content and with greater artistic potential than before.
Henna body paintings are different from tattooing and body piercing because the color was applied on the skin surface using an applicator and it was not injected into the skin. It has remained a popular option for those wishing to have body art without getting an actual tattoo.
Henna has graced every occasion from all major festival to various celebration such as wedding, fiesta, anniversary, etc. Henna newbie who for the first time got free henna designs enjoy the cooling sensation it felt after the application of mehndi. This aromatic mixture, aside from conditioning the skin, gives a natural soothing effect.
Many people who were introduced to henna the first time and got free henna designs get hooked! At first they are contented to start with pre-mixed henna but once they are more confident they mix their own henna to achieve more control and darker longer lasting stain.
It stains the skin of the hands and feet in intricate pattern. Henna has been use for natural temporary tattoos for years, but the addition of chemically dangerous material into the product makes it as one of the unsafe product sold in the market today. The blackening agent that was added is a chemical, p-phenylenediamine, also known as PPD. It is a coal tar dye that is FDA approved for use in hair dye, but not for skin contact.
Not all who got free henna designs will have a bad reaction to PPD. But for those unlucky one, the consequences is severe allergic reaction like contact dermatitis, itching, blisters, red skin rashes, open sores, scarring, and other potentially harmful effects. Allergy to the chemical can develop with repeated applications. Thus, using the product without any side effect does not mean that the product is safe to use.
If you want to get your body tattooed permanently with a Free Henna Designs, then it would be helpful if you know more about the various designs that go with such image. Just click HERE to know more about Tattoos.
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