Friday, November 28, 2008

Winter Time Henna Fun - Henna Parties for the Holidays

Here is a photo of a full palm henna tattoo I did at a get together. I am always happy to have true patrons of traditional henna as they give me the chance to stay in practice with free hand/traditional & fine line henna.

Winter can be a very good time to have a henna party because the house is toasty warm, most people are in sweaters, woolies, and long sleeves, so the body temperature is up! These conditions are excellent to help the henna paste give the darkest possible stain.

Also.. with all other body parts covered, I have a chance to do full palm henna tattoo. I will post some new photos from friends having henna in India soon. Be sure to stop by the henna bookstore to get the latest pattern booklets from India.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Now Shipping to Canada & the UK

It has been a long time coming, but Free Hand Mehndi now ships to Canada and the UK. Our site is fully integrated and will properly calculate shipping charges for both countries.

Because of customs regulations, essential and henna oils cannot be shipped outside of the USA. Please check with your local post or customs office regarding customs fees/taxes/tariffs and items that are not ok for import into your country.

If you would like to purchase a kit, that contains an item that your country prohibits you from importing, please email and I would be happy to make substitutions.

NEW! Free Hand Mehndi Design Sheets

These sheets were designed by yours truly. Each sheet has a step by step visual of how to complete a design. Yes, it is that simple. Put many simple shapes together and you get all of those intricate designs you see.

More sheets to the mean time they are available at and are reasonably low in cost. There are also some belly templates for pregnant and non pregnant bellies.

Monday, November 24, 2008

NEW! Henna Resource from Free Hand Mehndi

Ever just need to know the basics? Just want to mix henna, store it, apply it, terp it, and more? Free Hand Mehndi has started a library of resource pages just for your general info. Most of these pages are authored by Free Hand Mehndi and are not available for reprint.

Mixing Henna
Henna Powders
Henna Oils & Terps

More pages are in the works including black henna warning, application methods, and before/after care. Any recommendations? Feel free to send them along

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Black Henna PPD Read this article!

I was searching for information on black henna and found this article about a 10 year old girl with a black henna scar. Please read this article, this stuff is dangerous and it nothing to be played with. Please be careful while on vacation!

You can read the full article here

Here are some tips on sniffing out black henna:

1. They tell you it will dry in 30 minutes or less
2. It is thin like paint, and they paint it on with a paint brush
3. It has a chemical smell
4. It is black in color (natural henna is green or brown)
5. It stings when applied

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Henna Design Contest November 16th 2008

Its time to celebrate! Its my birthday and in celebration I am having another henna design contest. I am going to mix it up a little this year. For those who have video cameras please upload your video to youtube as a response to my video (click here).

For those who have digital cameras please email your images as attachments to In the subject line please type 2008 design contest.

I will compile all of the photograph submissions into one video and number them off. The contest will start on November 16th-December 6th. The submission will be put up for voting on December 6th-12th. Voting will be done by those who view the video and myself. You are welcome to vote on your own submission or submissions of others.

**The prize this time around will be a box of Jamila Henna Powder 100 grams, 6ml of Tea Tree Oil, 6 mylar cones, mixing instructions, and design templates**

My website is open for those who need to do a little henna shopping The site is still under construction (adding new products, pictures, etc), but there are plenty of great product available. Need something you don't see? Please feel free to suggest something.

Friday, November 7, 2008

You Tube

If you didn't already know, yes I am on Youtube and have been for some time. I love it. You can find some of my design videos there. And featured videos that I found on Youtube by other users that I think are wonderful.

Please visit my channel and subscribe today!

Free Hand Mehndi on Etsy

I was introduced to by my mother. We are both artists and think the idea is pretty cool. You can visit my etsy shop here

And learn more about etsy at

Currently I have two active postings for henna powder. I should have more posted soon. Those items are available for purchase now, even though my website is not yet open.

New Logo

I wanted to go for a new look. With a tight budget after all of those moves I designed it myself. I was going for a contemporary and clean cut look. Let me know what you think.

I intended for the swirlies to represent henna designs and I used this particular font because I felt it matched the swirlies best. Then I put the two together. It only took about 30 minutes to complete the whole logo believe it or not.

I even did a matching banner!

Tell me your opinions on this new logo.